Kingdom of Leazas

The Kingdom of Leazas

Even as the world finds itself in a tempest of violence and chaos, we stand proud as a symbol of peace and prosperity. Though Queen Lia Parapara Leazas may be young in age, she rules the nation with efficiency and grace. With the most fertile farmland in the world, and now some of the best academies producing both great scholars and knights, our people know they have little to fear. Jealous of our riches, rival countries have often attempted to invade over the years, but they have been repelled time and time again by our Majesty's loyal and legendary generals such as Rick Addison, the Red Reaper, and the famous veteran tactician Barres Province. However, with our borders secure and the treasury full while the rest of the world is in turmoil, our wise Queen has decided that it's time for the glory of Leazas to finally unite all under one flag, free from monsters and war! Forward brave knights, for peace! For the Queen!

Lia Parapara Leazas

"You don’t get to admire him. I have a monopoly on Darling."

She is the sadistic and obsessive queen of the Kingdom of Leazas. Once a schoolgirl kidnapping and torturing madwoman, she was punished by Rance for her misdeeds and is mostly reformed. She dreams of total world conquest with the adventurer Rance at her side as the king to her queen.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Civilian 4 4 3 5 4 4 8 3 1 Yes
    Special Skills
  1. Lightning: A magic attack that hits all enemy units regardless of position and guard.
  2. Fame Advertisement: If a unit gains affection points from a battle they'll get two instead of one.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. Deploy her alongside units you want to quickly rank up quickly with affection points.

Maris Amaryllis

"If it were about what I wanted, I don't think I'd choose to be in such a difficult position. It's all for the sake of my dear Queen Lia."

The right hand of Queen Lia, and the one pulling most of the strings within Leazas' borders due to Lia's impulsiveness. She is as dangerous as she is loyal, a powerful pracitioner of divine magic.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Miko 4 5 4 7 5 6 8 3 2 Yes
    Special Skills
  1. Recovery Rain 2: Heals the entire party and recovery one action for every unit but the caster.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. Deploy her alongside high-power, low-action units to maximize their effectiveness with Recovery Rain's action recovery.

Kanami Kentou

"A mission...? If I don't do a good job, it'll be fatal."

The personal ninja of Queen Lia that performs personal tasks for her. While not the best ninja, she is very driven and will do her best to complete the mission she was given, whether or not she enjoys it.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Ninja 4 4 4 4 8 5 3 2 1 Yes
    Special Skills
  1. Sonic Shuriken: Attack the enemy and cancel preparation with an increased chance of going again after.
  2. Firebowl Jutsu: A magic attack that hits all enemy units and cancels preparation. Unique to Kanami.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. She's fantastic at stopping moves that require preparation, and as a result is extremely effective against any unit that requires charge time.

Leila Grecni

"Don't underestimate the captain of the Leazas Royal Guard. I'm always prepared to take an opponent on, even at the cost of my own life."

The leader of the Leazas Royal Guard, a defensive force staffed entirely by female knights to protect Leazas Castle. One of the strongest women in the world, and the second best sword fighter in Leazas behind Rick Addison. Despite being very fond of alcohol she manages to be an excellent soldier in service to Leazas.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Knight 5 7 7 7 6 6 5 4 2 Yes
    Special Skills
  1. Ally Guard: Have a chance to take damage in place of allies in your row.
  2. Royal Guard Charge: Does double damage if the enemy unit has more troops than the user.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. Deploy her alongside Rick Addison to give both of them a significant buff at the start of battle.

Rick Addison

"Since I was a child, I've had trouble around monsters. But when I wear this helmet, imbued with the experience of previous red generals, I surge with unbelievable courage."

The strongest swordsman in Leazas and the leader of the Leazas Red Corps. Using a ceremonial blade that can extend and retract on a whim, he made a name for himself as the "Red Reaper of Leazas".

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Warrior 4 8 7 6 7 5 1 5 1 Yes
    Special Skills
  1. Charge: Take a turn to increase the unit's next attack by 70%.
  2. By La Way: Give up the unit's remaining actions for a special move with extra damage. Unique to Rick.
  3. The Red Reaper: The unit will deal an additional 50 damage regardless of troop count. Unique to Rick.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. Deploy him alongside Leila Grecni to give both of them a significant buff at the start of battle.

Barres Province

"For the sake of world peace, it is necessary for one nation to rule over all."

An eldery veteran in Leazas and the leader of the Leazas Black Corps. An excellent tactician that tries harder than most to get all of his men home alive. His primary role is overwhelming the enemy with sheer numbers of his army to break the enemy line.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Footsoldier 4 5 5 8 5 3 8 4 2 Yes
    Special Skills
  1. Remove Status (1): Remove all the buffs from up to two enemy units.
  2. The Black Veteran: Gain troops at the start of every turn and buff at the start of battle. Unique to Barres.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. Being a footsoldier with tactician skills, his initial guard helps hims survive threats like muskets, ninjas or cannons early into battles. His Battle Strategy skill can buff the party and increase his ally guard.

Cordoba Burn

"Quite courageous of you to stand against me! You have earned my praise!"

A towering figure that leads the Leazas Blue Corps. He's as passionate and loyal as someone can be to their nation of origin, with a fire in him that burns bright in battle.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Footsoldier 3 2 9 4 3 3 2 6 1 Yes
    Special Skills
  1. Ally Guard+: Have a high chance to take damage in place of allies in your row.
  2. The Blue Wall: Passive ability that significantly reduces damage taken in battle. Unique to Cordoba.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. They don't call him a wall for nothing. He is perfectly capable of completely throwing off enemy strategies due to his practically superhuman durability.

Julia Lindum

A friend of Queen Lia that found herself in the Leazas Royal Guard due to her family name as opposed to merit.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Knight 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 No
    Special Skills
  1. Ally Guard: Have a chance to take damage in place of allies in your row.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. Deployment alongside Queen Lia is recommended, as she'll gain affection points quicker and allow her to graduate from her position as a mediocre unit. If you have the Hanny King she can become one of the game's best units, Super Julia.

Tilde Sharp

A commanding officer in the Leazas Royal Guard knight who dreams of being the strongest woman in the world.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Knight 5 6 5 5 8 6 4 3 0 No
    Special Skills
  1. Side Attack: Attack without taking counterattack damage.
  2. Speed Luck: Chance of starting a battle with a buff to speed.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. A very useful unit for clearing enemies with the Counterattack 1 or 2 passive skill.

Menad Shisei

The second-in-command of the Leazas Red Corps. Quite strong despite her young age, but still unrefined.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Footsoldier 3 4 5 4 4 3 4 2 1 No
    Special Skills
  1. Ally Guard: Have a chance to take damage in place of allies in your row.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. A good footsoldier for defensive battles where the enemy isn't too numerous or powerful.

Kinkaid Brambla

The second-in-command of the Leazas Blue Corps. A lapdog by nature, his poisition and merit are debated.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Warrior 3 4 2 1 5 5 2 3 1 No
    Special Skills
  1. Ally Guard: Have a chance to take damage in place of allies in your row.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. He's a warrior unit with low defense, so use Ally Guard at your own risk.

Arlcoate Marius

A Leazas soldier that joined the Leazas Black Corps due to her talent as a impressive talent as a tactician.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Tactician 4 6 5 7 5 3 1 6 1 No
    Special Skills
  1. Battle Strategy (2): Add a random set of buffs to every unit on your side. Medium chances for each stat.
  2. Remove Status (1): Remove all the buffs from up to two enemy units.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. With high attack, defense and intelligence she is Leazas' best offensive tactician.

Rafalia Musca

A military academy student trying to rise through the ranks and be the supreme commander of the Leazas military.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Tactician 4 6 5 7 6 1 6 3 1 No
    Special Skills
  1. Battle Strategy (1): Add a random set of buffs to every unit on your side. Low chances for each stat.
  2. Remove Status (1): Remove all the buffs from up to two enemy units.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. With high attack, defense and intelligence she makes for a good offensive tactician.

Aviator Sukatto

The former commander of the Leazas Royal Guard. She shares her experience with Leazas military students.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Tactician 4 4 5 8 6 6 3 1 1 No
    Special Skills
  1. Battle Strategy (2): Add a random set of buffs to every unit on your side. Medium chances for each stat.
  2. Remove Status (2): Remove all the buffs from up to three enemy units.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. While intelligent, she lacks attack and defense. Best used in defensive battles.

Asuka Cadmium

A conduit for her grandfather Chaka Cadmium, who she wears due to him being cursed and turned into a costume.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Mage 3 0 1 6 5 0 0 0 0 No
    Special Skills
  1. Fire Blast: A magic attack that hits an enemy unit regardless of position.
  2. Summoning: A magic attack that hits an enemy unit regardless of position.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. An extremely fragile unit that should be saved for defensive battles.

Curtis Abern

A male prodigy with a feminine appearance that heads Leazas' magical research efforts.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Mage 3 1 2 4 5 6 1 3 3 No
    Special Skills
  1. Fire Blast: A magic attack that hits an enemy unit regardless of position.
  2. Intelligence Luck: Chance of starting a battle with a buff to intelligence.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. A rather mediocre unit that should be only used when absolutely necessary.

Sioux Province

A wild child from the Free Cities Alliance that was adopted by Barres Province after her defeat.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Warrior 5 7 4 3 6 7 3 2 1 No
    Special Skills
  1. Nyo: Damage all enemies while taking an action. Requires preparation and is unique to Sioux.
  2. Initial Battle Rating: Start a battle with the morale bar significantly in your favor.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. A very powerful but slow warrior unit that's better suited for defensive battles because of her low speed.