Pentagon Rebellion

The Pentagon Rebellion

Zeth is a nation ruled by a systematic inequality meant to trap Zeth's "second class citizens" in a place of eternal subservience and poverty. These "second class" are those who weren't born with an aptitude for magic and they make up the vast majorty of Zeth's population. Nelson Server, a hero of the second class, has risen to rally the people and overthrow the posh upper class in a bloody revolution to put them in their place.

Nelson Server

"Mages are nothing more than trash."

The leader of the Pentagon Rebellion and the father of Zeth Lord Papaya Server. After being sickened by the conditions of living as a Zeth second class he chose to do something about it by force.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Tactician 2 3 2 5 4 2 9 3 1 Yes
    Special Skills
  1. Battle Strategy (1): Add a random set of buffs to every unit on your side. Low chances for each stat.
  2. Battle Rating Down (2): Lowers the enemy's morale significantly, making it easier to win a battle.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. Battle Rating Down (2) is useful for winning battles where the enemy has a significant morale advantage, like castle battles.

Elizabeth Lacock

"It's just like I thought, all mages truly are scum."

A woman who came from nothing that wants to topple the nobility of Zeth with Nelson Server's help.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Tactician 3 4 4 6 5 3 9 1 1 Yes
    Special Skills
  1. Battle Rating Up (2): Increase your morale significantly, making it easier to win a battle.
  2. Remove Status (1): Remove all the buffs from up to two enemy units.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. Battle Rating Up (2) can be a singlehandedly win you a battle where you start with next-to-no morale.

Urza Pranaice

"All these people are asking for help."

A social activist seeking to bridge the gap between mages and non-mages in Zeth. Doesn't approve of Nelson Server's extremist outlook.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Tactician 5 8 7 8 8 6 8 5 3 Yes
    Special Skills
  1. Battle Strategy (3): Add a random set of buffs to every unit on your side. High chances for each buff.
  2. Accurate Shots: Deal damage to all enemies while taking away one of their actions.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. Accurate Shots is one of the most useful skills in the game against tougher opponents, as it limits the potential of the entire enemy team at once.

Kinggeorge Violae

"All mages are enemies! Die! Die, die, die, diiiiiie!!!"

A Zeth noble shunned by his family due to his lack of magical talent. Being moved by Nelson's words and their similarities being second class citizens and nobles, he joined with Pentagon Rebellion.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Warrior 4 7 6 4 4 3 5 7 0 Yes
    Special Skills
  1. Lure: Increase to the unit's attack during that battle.
  2. Full Power Warrior Attack: Deal significant damage at the cost of taking more counterattack damage.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. Between Lure and Full Power Warrior Attack Kinggeorge can do an extremely high amount of damage at the cost of exhausting his actions.


"After coming this far, there's no turning back for me."

Once a mercenary, he now fights for the Pentagon Rebellion after witnessing the poor treatment of non-magic users in Zeth.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Warrior 4 6 6 5 6 4 3 6 0 Yes
    Special Skills
  1. Commander Charge: Deal damage based on commander stats followed by a normal attack.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. A bulky unit that's capable of an acceptable damage output.

Rodney Rodney

"Frankly, I just wanted to see how my poison worked in a city."

A cruel man who only cares about developing his chemical compounds, even going as far as testing them on allies and foes alike.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Ninja 4 6 4 7 6 6 3 3 0 Yes
    Special Skills
  1. Poisoning: All enemy units lose 50% of their troops. No effect to solo units. Preperation required.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. Poisoning and speed are the only real things Rodney offers in a fight.

Abert Safety

A member of the Pentagon Rebellion. On a personal mission that he keeps to himself.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Warrior 5 3 3 6 3 5 4 4 1 No
    Special Skills
  1. Full Power Warrior Attack: Deal significant damage at the cost of taking more counterattack damage.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. Not anything special on his own outside of his very high action count. He's got a lot of potential, though.

Rocky Bank

Born a slave to the Zeth nobility and later found himself fighting in the Pentagon Rebellion.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Footsoldier 6 2 3 1 1 4 1 5 1 No
    Special Skills
  1. Ally Guard+: Have a high chance to take damage in place of allies in your column.
  2. Axe Boomerang: The unit throws their axe through an entire row of enemies. Unique to Rocky Bank.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. Just like in Rance VI he's good fodder and not much else.

Megadeath Moromi

A mediocre archer who fights for the Pentagon Rebellion to get a chance at her crush, Prima Hononoman.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Archer 4 1 3 2 2 3 2 3 1 No
    Special Skills
  1. Reinforced Bow Attack: A powerful bow attack at the cost of three action flags.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. An all around subpar unit, even by archer unit standards.

Prima Hononoman

The sole medic of the Pentagon Rebellion. Despite this, she's not especially skilled in the craft.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Miko 4 1 3 4 1 1 1 4 1 No
    Special Skills
  1. Healing 1: Heal some of the damage dealt to one of your units.
  2. Defeated Warrior Hunt: Enemy units are more likely to be captured when defeated.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. She's the only dedicated healer that the Pentagon Rebellion has, so you don't really have a choice in the matter.

Cessna Benville

A second class citizen of Zeth cursed by a sleeping spell gone wrong.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Warrior 3 2 3 2 1 1 1 4 1 No
    Special Skills
  1. Full Power Attack: Deals massive damage but has a 50% chance to miss.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. A mediocre warrior unit that makes for good fodder but not much else.


An officer of the Pentagon, her past is a mystery to many.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Musket 2 6 8 4 4 1 6 3 3 No
    Special Skills
  1. Commander Snipe: Deal damage with a chance at instantly killing the enemy unit.
  2. Large Propaganda Effect: Gain more troops when winning a battle with this unit.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. Commander Snipe is easily her most useful skill, since it's handy agaist just about any enemy unit that's even mildly threatening.


A grunt archer for the Pentagon Rebellion. Wears the garb of a Pentagon soldier.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Archer 4 6 4 4 6 2 1 3 0 No
    Special Skills
  1. Anti-Magic Arrows: An attack that can hit any enemy unit. Deals extra damage to mages.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. With her high attack and Anti-Magic Arrows she's a good unit for taking the edge off of an enemy mage unit.